A heartbroken woman kills herself in a moment of despair and is confined to her house as a ghost, as an abusive man moves in with his wife and daughter, Helen wishes to communicate with Daryl and save him from the evil in his heart, but even if she is triumphant, who will save her soul


HELEN’s heart was broken by WALTER when he left her for another woman. In a moment of despair, she kills herself and drops dead in her living room. Her soul ascends above her body as she is now in the spirit world. She has the freedom to pick up objects and leave the house to explore outside. But there is no light welcoming her to a better place. She is confined to the natural world.

An evil man named RAYMOND ZEXWELL moves into Helen’s house and turns it into a killing field. Raymond is a serial killer who hunts teenager girls. Upon abducting them, he brings them back to the house and butchers them to death. Helen watches in absolute disgust as Raymond has turned her home into a house of horrors. She tries to intervene but is not successful.

After slaughtering his last victim, Raymond shoots himself in the head. Demons drag his wicked soul into the depths of Hell. Helen is left wondering if she will ever be forgiven. An angel visits Helen and delivers a message for her to help someone.

DARYL WASHINGTON and his wife MICHELLE and daughter JASMIN are the new inhabitants of the house. Daryl is a conflicted man who grows more abusive to his family on a daily basis. It appears Helen has found a soul to save.

Daryl falls ill with terminal cancer. Now it is his time for him to make a choice. How does he want to leave this world? Daryl’s anger only increases as does his depression. When his wife and daughter leave the house on a Saturday afternoon, he decides to take his own life.

Before Daryl pulls the trigger, Helen places her hand over his forehead and shows him a vision. Daryl sees himself as a young boy being beaten by his father. He sees himself as an angry young man getting into street fights.

He sees horrific visions of Raymond killing his victims. He sees the demons come for Raymond. Once the vision has ended, you might call Daryl a changed man.

Daryl begs forgiveness from Michelle and Jasmin and pledges to be a good man for the rest of his life. God will be calling him soon as the cancer has attacked his entire body.

Daryl peaceful passes away in a hospital bed with his family at his side. His spirit moves on to a better place. While roaming her house, a light comes through the ceiling and welcomes Helen to eternal paradise. For Helen saved Daryl’s soul so the almighty saved her.



A noble man is ambushed at the office by a repugnant woman as a treacherous fight ensues in which she beats him senseless, his life spirals into a public spectacle of utter humiliation until he learns martial arts with the intention of redeeming his name and striking a blow for men worldwide


CHIP REYNOLDS got his ass kicked at the office by a beautiful woman. Some of his coworkers recorded the fight on their phones and posted it all over social media. The whole world is laughing at Chip and calling him the biggest male sissy to ever walk the earth. Chip is so humiliated; he feels like he can’t go on. This could be the end of his life.

Chip’s family, especially his wife ALLISON are embarrassed and disgusted by all the negative attention on their family. Chip’s good buddies HANK, EDWARD and SMOOCH hatch a plan. Smooch’s uncle POPS teaches martial arts. He could train Chip so someday he can get revenge.

Chip is enthusiastic and starts training hard. Pops and two of his assistants teach Chip Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. Chip also starts lifting weights and running outside. He starts gaining confidence and he certainly needs it. CATHERINE beat his ass good. 

Chip feels ready and challenges Catherine to a rematch. This time it’s going to be in the ring. Pops has connections and organizes an MMA fight. Catherine laughs at Chip and claims she is going to throw him another beat down.

Chip believes if he wins the fight, not only will he regain his manhood but he will strike a blow for men worldwide. Chip points to the fact that millions of men are leaving the workforce and women are becoming the dominant sex He wants to make men feel manly again.

The night of the fight arrives and Chip is looking good. All the training and exercise has his body looking ripped. But when the fight starts in the ring, Catherine picks up where she left off at the office. She man-handles Chip for the better part of the fight until Chip catches a second wind.

Chip gets the eye of the tiger. He starts beating Catherine senseless. He throws deadly punches and high-powered kicks. For the grand finale, Chip kicks Catherine in the head so hard, it sends her airborne and out of the ring. She’s out cold and Chip is victorious.

Chip got revenge and along the way helped men relive the glory days when a man truly was a man. Chip grabs a microphone in the ring and starts chanting “We are men.” Men who are in attendance at the fight and men watching from around the world chant along “We are men.”



A ruthless man-duck, a beautiful woman-beaver and the suffering of planet Tarnak spirals into chaos, the Duck struggles to make amends for his dirty deeds, however his enemies could perceive this as weakness and Tarnak will forever be doomed


The creatures of planet Tarnak are suffering. LORD DUCKINGHAM, commonly referred to as MAD DUCKINGHAM is Lord Ruler of Tarnak. He is a vile dictator of biblical proportions. The animals, mammals, man-animals and humans of Tarnak want to overthrow the Duck and end his reign of terror.

What makes planet Tarnak so special is that animals, mammals and man-animals have the power to speak and live on dry land. This came about after World War III. Humans who could leave Earth, did so on spaceships. They brought along animals that were native to Earth. They came to Tarnak because it mimics Earth in so many ways.

Crossbreeding between humans and animals became an acceptable practice and thus, the man-animal was born. Lord Duckingham is half man, half duck. He is a giant white duck that stands upright like a human being.

Lord Duckingham does have a challenger. SAM OF KOKINAS is a human being who organizes many creatures and leads a revolt againt the Duck. They charge his castle however are crushed by the Duck’s mighty army. It appears there is no hope. Mad Duckingham banished elections and he cannot be defeated militarily.

Something amazing happens that will forever change Tarnak. The Duck meets VIOLET ROSE. She is an astonishing woman-beaver. Her beauty sends trembles through the Duck’s feathers. She opens up his eyes to the glory of good. She shows him what it feels like to be loved and have empathy for others. Lord Duckingham has a change of heart. He believes in good and wants to make amends for his prior dirty deeds.

This wonderful transition has consequences. GENERAL CHOPS is the general of the army. He is a ruthless man. He sees the Duck’s sudden transformation as a sign of weakness. He turns against the Lord and is successful in turning the army against him as well.

Lord Duckingham is taken prisoner in his own castle. General Chops hatches a twisted plan and launches a surprise attack on many creatures of Tarnak. Creatures of all kinds are slaughtered.

When the smoke clears, Sam Of Kokinas organizes a secret meeting. He rallies the creatures of Tarnak and plans a retaliatory attack. The creatures strike against the castle and engage the army. They suffer heavy causalities but are victorious in the end.

The Duck is freed and General Chops meets his demise when the Duck blasts him with a shotgun. Lord Duckingham agrees to a fair election with Sam Of Kokinas. Sam wins in a landslide but the Duck could care less. He has his love, Violet Rose. They rent a boat and sail down a beautiful river while engaging in the perfect kiss. The Duck and Tarnak are finally at peace.



In the modern world of limitless identities, a man escapes to the fourth dimension seeking clarity, only to find that the chaos there is something he could have never prepared for


JACK DURFEE is fed up with the modern world. It drives him nuts that his seventeen-year-old daughter SKYLAR identifies as a non-binary person and his fifteen-year-old son JEREMIAH identifies as a hippopotamus. Jack’s wife KAREN is more accepting of many of the unorthodox beliefs of Gen Z.

Jack also resents the fact that some of his neighbors identify as animals and the guy next door who happens to be a white male identifies as a nineteen seventy-five black man. Luckily for Jack he works for OUTER STELLAR ASSOCIATES INC. This extraordinary company specializes in the ability to travel to other dimensions.

One morning Jack heads into work and is greeted by a top-level executive named CLIFF BARNWELL and the man who is the head of research at the laboratory DR. VANGELDER. The two men explain to Jack they believe traveling to the fourth dimension is now possible.

Jack jumps at the bit like a kid in a candy store. He is overwhelmed with joy when THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS gives him the green light. Jack is going where no human being has ever gone before. 

Jack is given an Ipad to document his journey and instructed to lie down in the TRANSMITTER. This state-of-the-art creation resembles an MRI machine. Dr. Vangelder and a few other technicians press a few buttons and Bam, the transmitter and Jack are gone.

Upon entering the fourth dimension, Jack is in awe of this new universe with beautiful gases that light up space and exquisite colors that form grids. He is befriended by a talking tesseract named ZONE. Jack starts to feel at home until he meets the humans of this strange world.

They are cruel to Jack because he is different from them. They mock his very existence and call him derogatory names. Jack comes to despise this bizarre galaxy. 

He eventually returns back to the good old third dimension as a new man. Jack apologizes to his children and neighbors for being so judgmental. For now Jack knows what it’s like to be treated like an outcast.

He now embraces the ever-changing domicile called planet Earth. He even goes on national television to share a message of inclusion and good will towards others. He also reminds everybody to always IDENTIFY THEMSELVES. It took Jack traveling to another dimension to fall in love with his true home.



A white supremacist goes through a formative transformation and becomes a Black Panther, however cumbersome this transition may be, he still has not learned life’s most important lesson, that any kind of hatred is wrong


JERRIN is a white supremacist who is a member of a violent, hateful gang known as the WHITE WOLVES. He believes the sinister rhetoric of SCOTT who is the leader of the gang. One night the gang bumps into some of their enemies on the streets of Savannah by a chance encounter. A bloody fight ensues and the police arrive on the scene.

Jerrin is injured during the melee and is unable to outrun the cops. He is the only member of the gang who is apprehend. He refuses to cooperate with the police and is sent to a dangerous, maximum-security prison. Inside the walls of this penitentiary, Jerrin goes through a formative transformation.

His cell mate ROY opens his eyes to the evils of racism. Jerrin also starts to question his allegiance to Scott and the gang. While Jerrin is doing hard time, the White Wolves launch a horrific attack against The New Black Panther Party in Atlanta. 

Several African American inmates inside the prison get wind of the attack on the Black Panthers and are furious. The black inmates believe Jerrin may have had prior knowledge of the onslaught and beat him to a pulp. He is placed in solitary confinement for his own protection and this is where the transition begins to blossom into a life of its own.

While locked in solitary, Jerrin reads books written by Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and other historical black figures. 

Jerrin’s mother TAMMY is a Christian and prays her son will someday see the light and leave the gang. She visits him at the prison and is pleased to see that he now denounces racism and embraces people of all colors.

After being released from prison, Jerrin pays Scott and several other members of the Wolves a visit and tells them he is out for good. This leads to him being the victim of yet another senseless beating.

While working at a car wash, Jerrin meets a man named WARREN who is connected with the Black Panthers. Jerrin tells Warren that he can get the Panthers revenge. A meeting is set up and Jerrin meets ALPHONSO who is the leader of the New Black Panthers. Jerrin and the Panthers retaliate against the White Wolves and kill them all.

Jerrin becomes an honorary member of the Black Panthers. However, the hate in his heart still runs deep. On his way to a liquor store he observes five white police officers harassing a young black teenager. Jerrin retrieves his AR 15 Rifle from his car and kills all five of the cops.

He is sentenced to death for this heinous crime. While awaiting execution, Jerrin finally learns life’s most important lesson; that any kind of hatred is wrong. He is remorseful of all the malicious acts that he has committed against his fellow humans. Tammy’s wish has finally been granted. Jerrin rejects animosity towards all human beings and embraces love. Ironically this has come at an enormous price.

On the night Jerrin is put to death, he offers a sincere apology to the victim’s family members and his mother. It took death for a complicated man to find peace of mind and finally conquer his demons.